Friday, August 5, 2011

Search Issue in Liferay

1)Search results not showing up in Liferay

This could be index issue. You man need to re-index individual parts (Blogs, Document Library and Web Content) to solve this. How to do it ? See image below

2)Blog related search results not showing up in Liferay

This is due to Blog re-index Failing. We may run into the errors when we attempted to index blog and see error like below

2011-08-05 13:00:50,647 ERROR [com.liferay.portlet.admin.action.EditServerAction] (ajp-) com.liferay.portal.NoSuchGroupException: No Group exists with the primary key 193844 com.liferay.portal.NoSuchGroupException: No Group exists with the primary key 193844

Then run the following query:

select * from BlogsEntry where groupId not in (select groupId from Group_ where parentGroupId = 0 or parentGroupId in (select groupId from Group_));

This returned 3 results. This tells us that there are 3 oprhaned blog entries. We went into the database and deleted those 3 entries. Once we did that we were able to index blogs as well

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